Following the government announcement on 22nd February, Lyme Bay Holidays are unable to accept any bookings until 12th April. If you have a holiday booked via Lyme Bay Holidays and are due to arrive prior to this date they will be in touch very soon, please bear with them .
At that time you will be offered either –
- Defer to an alternative date without additional fees, please note any change in rental price will apply.
- Refund amount paid less a £35 administration fee (to cover our costs received to administrate your booking).
What are the current expected rules going forward for 2021? (Please note these are stated as ‘earliest possible’ dates)
If you have a booking within any of the following dates which does not comply to the advised rules Lyme Bay Holidays will be in touch over the coming weeks to discuss this with you, with the above options applying to defer or cancel –
- From 12th April to 17th May – One household can holiday together.
- From 17th May to 21st June – 2 households can holiday together (no limit on number of guests) or 6 people from up to 6 households .
- From 21st June – No restrictions on party size or mixing.
Obviously these rules and restrictions are subject to change and this can be applied at very short notice therefore Lyme Bay Holidays continue to monitor daily and make ourselves available as much as possible to discuss any questions or concerns you have.
The above options also apply to new bookings through Lyme Bay Holidays. Should government restrictions prevent you from taking your holiday you will be offered a full refund (less £35 admin fee), or be able to transfer your holiday to a later date with no administration fees.
What changes have been made to maximise safety?
We have carried out a number of changes in order to ensure that cottage can be as safe as possible.
What changes have been implemented?
Lyme Bay have issued the housekeepers with revised cleaning procedures, this basically outlines some new measures they have introduced to the process to minimise risk plus also make the changeover more manageable. Some of these changes are:
Providing whoever is tasked to clean the property more time. To help achieve this they have had to move all arrivals to 5pm to allow for this additional time and ensure these new procedures can be undertaken for your safety.
Ensuring housekeepers are aware of the appropriate PPE and cleaning products while cleaning the property. They will also ensure the recommended cleaning materials are in the property for you to use when in residence.
Where possible we have had to remove items considered ‘high risk’ such as books, DVDs and some excess kitchenware. This applies to any item which cannot be cleaned or ‘wiped over’.
Best advice in this time is to “de-clutter” and help reduce risk and ensure any remaining items can be cleaned on each changeover.
Attention to detail – the advice is to minimise risk, this risk cannot be fully removed therefore by following these new procedures and importantly, allowing more time to do so, they are minimising the risk presented by Covid-19.
Key collections for all arrivals will be from keysafes for the immediate period. They will be sanitising keys and the safes on the changeover and if keys are collected from their office key safes sanitisers will also be available for your use.
We realise the stress Covid-19 is causing to people throughout the world and we believe a holiday should be an enjoyable experience, something to help relieve such stress, therefore if you have any questions we would do all we can to help resolve any issues or concerns.
Please email Lyme Bay on to contact them directly.